Thursday, September 16, 2010

'The Daily Love.' My saving Grace.

Mastin Kipp, Found of 'The Daily Love'. NOH8 Campaign. Photo credit: Adam Bouska
The founder of 'The Daily Love,' Mastin Kipp, always knows how to reach out and connect with me and the pertinence of each moment in my life. I found 'The Daily Love' while I was going through immense emotional struggles and unwanted, but inevitable changes. My best friendships were vanishing, my family was dealing with family drama,  finding love seemed to be impossible, and the anticipation of moving to Chicago for a fresh new start was overwhelming; time was not moving fast enough.  I was stuck in a place that I absolutely dreaded; I was deprived of happiness and the feeling of anxiety seemed to follow me everywhere I went- there was no escaping it.

When I was surfing the internet for motivational and inspirational quotes (which, at this time, became a daily thing to help me deal with my pain) I stumbled across a small site called 'The Daily Love.' Startled with delight, my curiosity took over and, without question, I typed in my email, signing myself up for my 'Daily Dose of Love.'  

I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I am aware how eccentric I sound right now but in all seriousness, The Daily Love's gave me strength and love at the hardest-and most pivotal- point in my life. I started to follow The Daily Love on twitter and subscribed their tweets to be sent straight to my cell phone. Every morning I am filled with love, inspiration, advice, support, and strength. No matter what life throws at me, I can handle it, all thanks to 'The Daily Love.'

I since have shared it with my family, friends, roommates, anyone who is struggling to stay afloat in all life's endeavors.  They love it and have told me how much of an impact 'The Daily Love' has on their daily lives. It's a great feeling of accomplishment when you can help someone through hardships and create an impact by sharing something so personal, sentimental and significant to your own life.

I wanted to share with you a part of today's Daily Love email (MASTINSAYS) that
really spoke out to me and inspired me to keep following my heart and inner voice. 
You can also check out his blog: Mastin Kipp.
"Life ends not when you die, but when you stop believing in your true calling. Your true calling isn't something your friends, parents or lovers want you to become. Your true calling isn't living vicariously through someone else. And most certainly your true calling isn't working just to "make a living" and "get by".
Your true calling is that soft voice within you urging to be creative. Your true calling is the visions of a better life that you have. Your true calling is your Creator whispering to you who you really are.
One day we will all breathe our last breath. The only difference between those of us who will live a fulfilled life in the flow of their true calling and those of us who don't is this: know that you are already dead, die to your fear and give up everything except what whispers to you in the quiet hours.
Follow your vision, do what makes you happy - it is your birthright to live in joy. But it is 100% your choice whether you do or not.
Say no to your fear. Live your true calling. Set sail and don't look back."                               -Mastin Kipp
photo credit: Humanity healing website

1 comment:

  1. Krysta, you moved me. Thank you so much for writing this. All my love, Mastin
