Sunday, April 25, 2010

Princess and the Frog

When I was little my dad would bring home a new Disney movie everynight when he came home from work, and everynightand my family and I would sit down and watch it together. Pretty soon we had every single Disney movie there was; I'm about certain that I've watched all of them more than 5 times.  Anyways, my sister and I have been wanting to watch Princess and the Frog not only because it's a Disney movie but because Cinderella was one of our favorites when we were little. 
We would put tights over our heads and braid them, slip on our pink Cinderella dresses with puffy sleeves-one that my mom made us- sneak some of my mothers lipstick and slip on a pair of her high heels.  It was a little girls dream-i loved dressing up and playing princess- and I always dreamed of being Cinderella and finding my prince charming.

Princess and the Frog was even better than I expected. It wasn't about finding true love, it was about following your dreams and working hard to get there.  It was very moving to know that children will be watching this because movies make a big impact on young kids.  It will teach them to never give up on your passion-pursue your dreams- and dont let anyone get your down or tell you you cant, because you can! 
I feel in love with The Princess and the Frog. It's an incredible story of a beautiful girls dream that she had since she was a little girl.  She never lost sight of what she wanted, never gave up.  Of course, At the end of the movie she realized that love was a big part of her dream whether she liked it or not.  She grew up never wanting to waste time on boys or on the thought of marriage.  She fell in love, unexpectedly, and the true meaning of her life hit her in the head-when she fell in love.  She gave up her dream for the prince, but thats exactly what she needed! When you give up something you want, you give more room for it to come back.  She got her prince and her dream.  What an amazing movie!! Never give up, and never lose sight of what's really important....LOVE!

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